Incoming Teaching Mobility



KA 171-Third Countries Not Associated to the Programme

The staff eligible for Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching assignment (STA) is academic staff employed at the universities of third countries not associated to the programme which have signed with Adiyaman University an Inter-institutional agreement for this type of the mobility.

The inter-institutional agreement should be signed before the individual mobility starts.

The the universities of partner countries eligible for the project are :

for KA171 2022 PROJECT LIST

Russian Federation

State Budgetary Hıgher Educatıonal Instıtutıon Moscow Regıon Unıversıty of Technology

Early Childhood Education


Unıversıtetı Bujqesor I Tıranes

Agricultural Engineering

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Unıverzıtet U Banjoj Lucı

Physics Department


Azerbaijan State Agricultural University

Agricultural Engineering


The qualification process takes place at the the universities of third countries not associated to the programme according to the rules set out by the the universities of partner countries and Erasmus + Programme Guide.

The universities of those countries send a list of the applicants to Erasmus Office of Adiyaman University no later than 4 weeks before the mobility starts.

The nominated staff member applies to Erasmus Office of Adiyaman University The academic unit coordinators of Adiyaman University approve the candidates on a basis of their Staff Mobility for Teaching/ Agreement and assess following criteria:

  • overall objectives of the mobility;
  • content of the teaching/training programme;
  • expected outcomes and impact;
  • added value of the mobility.

The Erasmus Office of Adiyaman University informs the universities of third countries not associated to the programme and approved candidates immediately after receiving a list of the approved candidates.

A participant may start her/his travel earlier than one day before the start of the mobility or return later than one day after the end of the mobility , but only up to two additional days ( one day before the mobility and one day after its completion) will be taken into account when calculating the individual support.

The Erasmus Office of the Adiyaman University provides all the documents (eg. invitation) necessary for the visa procedure.

A person qualified for the STA mobility becomes a beneficiary of the Erasmus+ program at the moment of signing the grant agreement, which is the basis for payment of the grant. The grant agreement should be signed by the staff member 2 weeks prior to scheduled departure.

After the end of the mobility, the beneficiary receives a Certificate of Attendance confirmed by the University of Adiyaman.